Tuesday, May 26, 2015

ECHS Graduation

Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School students to graduate Thursday, May 28, 2015
Ceremony for students will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m. in the Nash Community College Business and Industry Center Brown Auditorium

WHAT: 2015 Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School Graduation Ceremony
WHO: Students, parents, staff, administrators, NRMPS district office staff and Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education members.
The graduation ceremony will be live-streamed from the following web-address: https://goo.gl/oH4Zx1
WHEN: Thursday, May 28, 2015
6:00 p.m.
WHERE: Nash Community College – Business and Industry Center Brown Auditorium
522 North Old Carriage Road
Rocky Mount, NC 27804

Friday, May 22, 2015

ECHS graduation will be live on the internet.......

....please share with your family and friends that can't make it to graduation on May 28. Also, there will be a link on the NRMS website as well.

Below is the link for the ECHS graduation, live online broadcast.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Things to do:

RSVPs must be in by Friday, May 8 for the Super Senior Dinner on May 14. You must reserve your meal(s).

The ECHS Graduation Exit Survey (google doc) is also due May 8.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Super Senior Dates!

Graduating Senior
Important Dates to Remember

Any past dues, owed books fees (WA/W classes), or other money due, must be paid for before ECHS graduation.

 NCC Book Drop Off: May 5, 2015– May 15, 2015  Where: In The Cottage, On The Back Table

·                     Friday May 8th                   NCC Picnic (12:00 Noon for Students)

·                     Monday May 11th               NCC Last Day of Exams
·                     Monday May 11th               NCC Laptop Return (Can be returned before this                                                                date)
·                     Thursday May 14th             Graduate Class Dinner and Awards Evening                                                                         5:30 pm ( S&T Building )
·                     Friday May 15th                  NCC Graduation Practice 10:45 am (2 Year                                                                         Associate Participants) B&I
·                     Friday May 15th                  NCC Graduation ceremony 6:00 pm (B& I)
·                     Wednesday May 27th         ECHS Graduation Practice 8:30 am (Mandatory in                                                            order to participate)
·                     Thursday May 28th             ECHS Graduation6:00 pm (Students should arrive                                                            by 5:15 pm)

NCC Senior Picnic this Friday at noon!

The Senior Cook Out is this Friday, May 8 @ 12  noon - picnic shelter