Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Super Senior Dates!

Graduating Senior
Important Dates to Remember

Any past dues, owed books fees (WA/W classes), or other money due, must be paid for before ECHS graduation.

 NCC Book Drop Off: May 5, 2015– May 15, 2015  Where: In The Cottage, On The Back Table

·                     Friday May 8th                   NCC Picnic (12:00 Noon for Students)

·                     Monday May 11th               NCC Last Day of Exams
·                     Monday May 11th               NCC Laptop Return (Can be returned before this                                                                date)
·                     Thursday May 14th             Graduate Class Dinner and Awards Evening                                                                         5:30 pm ( S&T Building )
·                     Friday May 15th                  NCC Graduation Practice 10:45 am (2 Year                                                                         Associate Participants) B&I
·                     Friday May 15th                  NCC Graduation ceremony 6:00 pm (B& I)
·                     Wednesday May 27th         ECHS Graduation Practice 8:30 am (Mandatory in                                                            order to participate)
·                     Thursday May 28th             ECHS Graduation6:00 pm (Students should arrive                                                            by 5:15 pm)

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