Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cost of NC public Universities for 13-14


Scholarship Info.

 Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship
Applicant must me a graduating minority who plans on attending an accredited 4 year institution. Candidates must show leadership potential, demonstrate community service, and financial need. Minimum  SAT score of 1,000 combined on math and critical reading or a composite ACT score of 22.
Apply at    www.jackierobinson.org 
 Deadline: February 15, 2014

Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship
 Any high school senior who is a US citizen may apply for MVS scholarship. Applications will be judged on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. Apply at  www.elks.org/enf/scholars 
Deadline is December 6,2013 

Winston Salem Open House - Nov. 2


Cordially Invites You To Attend

WSSU   Fall Open House

Saturday, November 02, 2013
Winston-Salem State University

You will learn about WSSU’sacademic programs, scholarships, financial aid, athletics, and student life.You will also be entertained by the Marching Rams and be guest at the “RAMS”home football game at 1:00 pm. If you would like to attend WSSU Fall OpenHouse, please pick up a travel intent form from your guidance office. The RockyMount Alumni Chapter will have seats for the first 14 High School students tocall the number below and return the signed parent permission form. There is nocost to travel, but each student must have his or her own food and spendingmonies.

We will leave Save-a-Lotparking lot at 6:00 a.m. The store is located on 301 N in Rocky Mount. The van will leave for our return trip home immediately after the 1:00p.m. game.

For more information contact:
Debra Hart -972-2808
Gerald Branch -883-1960

Constance Thompson-442-5817

Youth Volunteer Scholarship Award

Applicatnts must have completed 50 hours of volunteer work over the past 2 years, have a 3.5 GPA or greater, and must be under the age of 21 of the day of the deadline. $500.00 award given. Deadline November 29th 2013. Applications can be found athttp://www.studentscholarships.org/volunteer.php

Links to review and search......

Search for Scholarships and college matches at www.fastweb.com.

Find merit-based scholarship matches at www.meritaid.com.

Monday, October 28, 2013


How many scholarship opportunities have you found? And which sites did you use to find them?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Scholarship - NCWC

NC Wesleyan College - First our Fall Open House is scheduled - Monday, November 11, 2013. For more information and to register please go to http://www.ncwc.edu/admissions/open-house.php.

Next, North Carolina Wesleyan College understands how demanding the cost of higher education has become and how this financial burden keeps many deserving students from having access to a four year college education. NC Wesleyan College has adopted the John and Charles Wesley Heritage Scholarship Initiative to address this dilemma. The scholarship fully underwrites tuition, room, board, and books for entering freshman and transfer students. Students interested in the John and Charles Wesley Scholarship Initiative should have a minimum math and verbal SAT combined score of 1100 or a corresponding ACT score of 24 with a weighted high school GPA of a 3.5. For more information on this please feel free to contact me.
If anyone of your students would like to apply for admission please forward them to our website at www.ncwc.edu. There is no application fee if a student fills out the application.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


How are you feeling now that you are in the middle of the application process and with deadlines fast approaching?

Dates to Remember

Oct.26  Herff Jones to talk about Graduation Announcements
Nov. 1. Scheduling with Ms Battle for next & last semester
Nov.  7 Parent night for Super Seniors
Nov. 18-22 CAW - College Application Week  https://www1.cfnc.org/College_Application_Week/College_Application_Week.aspx
Jan. 22. Financial Aid Workshop with parents (at NCC in the evening)
Feb. 22  FAFSA Day

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


What are two things that you learned from your article that you read in the magazine?