Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Winston Salem Open House - Nov. 2


Cordially Invites You To Attend

WSSU   Fall Open House

Saturday, November 02, 2013
Winston-Salem State University

You will learn about WSSU’sacademic programs, scholarships, financial aid, athletics, and student life.You will also be entertained by the Marching Rams and be guest at the “RAMS”home football game at 1:00 pm. If you would like to attend WSSU Fall OpenHouse, please pick up a travel intent form from your guidance office. The RockyMount Alumni Chapter will have seats for the first 14 High School students tocall the number below and return the signed parent permission form. There is nocost to travel, but each student must have his or her own food and spendingmonies.

We will leave Save-a-Lotparking lot at 6:00 a.m. The store is located on 301 N in Rocky Mount. The van will leave for our return trip home immediately after the 1:00p.m. game.

For more information contact:
Debra Hart -972-2808
Gerald Branch -883-1960

Constance Thompson-442-5817

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