Friday, October 16, 2015

AVID IV Assignment 10/16/15

Submit a one paragraph reflection regarding your thoughts about the speakers today.

DUE by midnight 10/16/15.


  1. They were completely honest about college life. They told us when to apply and how. Kelly let us know to not be discouraged if you are declined from a school. Also If you are a double major it will be difficult and it requires a lot of reading. You can apply for scholarships all year long. Must keep your grades up when receiving scholarships.

  2. My speakers gave a lot of vital information. One thing they said that stood out to me was that you can choose your courses. Although it is probably best to pick the classes that will help you advance into your career path but you can truly choose whatever you would like. I think that it is good to know the information about the FAFSA and scholarship opportunities as well. They shared with us the important deadlines and the importance of deadlines when applying for college, scholarships, and financial aid.

  3. The speakers gave me an insight on UNC Chapel Hill that no other student could give me. They were former Early College students who just graduated so there experience will be very similar to mine. Being that I just applied to UNC Chapel Hill and for the Morehead Cain Scholarship I really needed this information today. I was pleased to learn that it will not effect me much if I decide to change my major. They shared information about their college experience so far, scholarships, and student involvement.

  4. The Speakers were great at telling their process of being accepted into college. I feel that since they were people that attended the school we go to, it really helped establish a way of what we might go through when applying. Even though the school they go to seems hard to apply school work to, that is expected at any college. Their FAFSA information was also helpful in what else students can do to receive extra funds to go to school. Since my grades are good, I feel confident in the schools I want to apply to.

  5. the speakers gave a ton of information about what college is like. it makes me happy that colleges are becoming more strict about alcohol. hopefully every college in America will be strict about it. im glad they didn't beat around the bush when talking about what it is like in college

  6. UNC is one of my top schools on the list of schools that I applied to. I thought it was really cool to hear from students who actually attend their. I know that UNC is a rigorous school, but hearing the experiences of others makes that more real. UNC is a really big school and it makes me wonder if I really want to go to a big school. Kelly's presentation was really interesting and it has given me a lot to think about regarding college and where I want to go.

  7. The speakers were very nice they talked about about a lot of things that i was worried about. It also lets me know that college could actually be fun instead of all work and no play. With kelly she actually made me think that not everyone has to super smart to make sure we get into a college. That also puts me more at ease.

  8. I am scared to death of college the closer it gets. I'm glad they were honest about all questions not just about Chapel Hill. I think that college is going to be stressful and I hope I'll be able to thrive in the stress and not break down. They gave really good anecdotes about their experiences and I'm glad I decided to apply to Chapel Hill.

  9. Kirby Hill

    They talked about how college is like with homework. They also talked about how you are able to pick your own classes each semester. If your are doing a double major it will take you longer. You also have to pay extra if you stay longer than you planned to. They also gave us good on how to your homework quickly if you have to read alot.

  10. What I found interesting about what Kelly and Deshawn said was that we are totally independent in college. They also said that we should take on 3 extracurriculars to participate in, but to not over exert ourselves. My favorite part was to hear that we pick our classes and we do not have to set with our major. We are capable to switch our major in the future if we feel that we need too. I keep switching back and forth from sociology and psychology. So I am glad to know that I do not have to have that decision made when I go to post-secondary school. I always struggle with decisions, and I do not want to rush, and make the wrong one.

  11. Kelly and Deshawn are former members of the Early College. They spoke about important information concerning college. The most important thing about college is independence. I need to make sure to stay on top of homework and important date. I shouldn't be pressured to join clubs. I need to have a organized schedule. The whole goal is to keep my grades up and my GPA high.

  12. There are a lot of opportunities with UNC as far as scholarships. The thing that stood with me was the the surcharge thing. They didn't sugar coat anything about being in college. I like that we get to pick our classes which we need to choose according to major. Double majors take more time, and seem much more difficult to handle.

    -Camari Taylor

  13. During class today some good information was given. College life is not all that bad that people make it out to be. There are good times and bad times. Also one should start applying to scholarships now up until graduation, it can not hurt anything. Clubs and extra activities are available however they are not required that you do it. Make sure your grades are where you want them to be before engaging in extra activities.

  14. Heather Winstead
    They help explain some of the things that I was worried about when I went off to college. I'm not as scared as I was before they came and speak. They know what it's like and they explained it better than anyone could have from that school to us. I feel a lot better about going to college than before.

  15. Seeing Kelly and Deshawn again was great! I really appreciated hearing their honest input on UNC and college in general. They really didn't "push" the school, but offered some great advice they'd already learned from being over there. In addition, it's nice to know exactly what they went through beforehand from knowing them so well through early college and seeing what's changed now that they've gone to college. It was also comforting to hear about their struggles, as awful as that sounds. But they were both really smart, hard working students so it's nice to know I won't be the only one who's struggling and "feeling stupid."

  16. The class speech today was an amazingly comforting experience. Honestly, if Kelly Harris is stressed about college and being an adult, then it's okay if I am too. We're both just getting through, and I'm proud of her. As a student, you have to be prepared for the fact that it is still a different experience from Early College. It's different studying, different opportunities, an entirely different environment. It's all about personality at college. If you're the super active, super involved type: they have clubs and organizations for you. If you're a more academic focus: they have the resources you need. Basically, I just need to be as emotionally prepared as I can be for the fact that I have no idea what's happening and what college is actually going to be like. Fear is a great motivator.

  17. I very much enjoyed how honest Kelly and Deshawn were about college. I always felt that they were too of the most organized, least stressed people I knew so to hear them say they were worried when applying to college was a great relief. I also liked how, even though they were there to encourage us to apply to UNC, all their advice felt universal. They were very helpful in understanding what it's like transitioning from Early College to University. I loved knowing that what I was told about having to declare a major first thing in college was not true. Overall I enjoyed the information they gave us, it felt like a frank conversation between friends about what college is actually like.

  18. I appreciate the speakers coming in today to talk to us. What I really liked about their presentation was their honesty. They simply shared their experience and their knowledge of UNC. I'm actually surprised at how much they knew and how much they have experienced with them only attending since August. I have considered a lot of the general tips they gave us, but it never really hit me until they mentioned it. Going to a bigger college is actually a lot more terrifying than I thought, but I think I will be okay. If Kelly and Deshawn are struggling now at UNC being as they were when they attended ECHS, I think I can be more comfortable about struggling in college. I'm extremely proud of both of them for getting as far as they are when they are just beginning.

  19. It’s cool to hear about college life from people who went here to the high school. They told us a lot about life in college, how the first year is, scholarships, and the college application process. Their information about FAFSA and scholarships stood out the most to me and helped me understand the process and some ways to find scholarships

  20. After hearing the speakers talk about their experiences I feel a lot more comfortable applying to colleges. I learned a lot about the different scholarship programs that are offered to everyone and the scholarships that are tailored specifically to UNC students. It was nice to hear personal experiences from early college students that I knew, about their transitions to a four year university. It really eased my mind because now I have a better idea of what I will be facing since I’m in the same position as they were in last year. It was nice to hear how it would be for an early college student instead of the usual “I think it would be like…” coming from traditional college students.

  21. I feel like the speakers today did a very outstanding Job. They told us straight out what was to be expected on a college life campus. They explain how you can't think you going to hang out all night and then go to class thinking you are going to pass cause it is not going to work like that. They said that when you first get on campus you will feel as if you are left out and don't know nothing but you are a freshman and that is to be expected. You will have many night of hard studying sometimes up studying until 2 a.m. but it got to be done if you want a passing grade.

  22. I am really grateful for the former ECHS students coming to speak to us today. I really enjoyed them and what made it even better was that they were sitting in our seats last year, doing the same thing we are currently doing, so they know exactly what we are going through. The speakers gave great tips that can be used this year as super seniors and next year as a college freshman, and they also reassured me of a few things. One of the main things that I felt as a result of the speech was stress. Listening to them discuss the workload and feelings of being freshman were very intimidating, however through hard work and dedication I know that I will be able to get through it.

  23. The presence of individuals that have gone through circumstances similar to the ones that I am currently going through relieved a significant amount of my college application/future major stress. I feel comfort from the fact that I am not going to have to know exactly what to major in after my graduation from the Early College and that I still have time to figure things out. Deshawn's tip on skimming was also helpful and I intend to employ it this semester.

  24. It was nice to see people that I consider, or at least used to consider, friends again. It was also nice to see people that I know are intelligent struggling because it sort of shows that in the end we're all human and I'm not alone in the anxiety and fear that college brings. It also gave me a bit of hope to hear the surety in their voices and see that even thought they're stressed and have a heavy weight on their shoulders they're doing well. It must have been nice for the rest of the class to hear that you don't have to declare your major right away but fortunately this semester I've finally locked mine down so I'm not really concerned about that.

  25. A lot of great information was given in class today thanks to our speakers who previously graduated from Early College. They spoke with all honesty about how the reality of college. They had said that we should start applying to scholarships now up until graduation and also to be completely aware of deadlines. At colleges clubs and extra activities are available but you do not have to join them. I will keep everything said in mind to be successful in college.

  26. Jessenia Mills:
    The speakers, Kelly and Deshawn really gave me some insight on what to expect when I get to Chapel Hill and a college in general. What really stuck out to me was how they managed their time. They are both doing double-majors and are somewhat stressed with the little time they have in a day for their studies. I feel what I am going to struggle with in college are the financial situations and having both an academic and social life. I feel that I am going to have a hard time being on my own as well, seeing as how college leans towards independence. I have my fair share of independence; however it's a lot to focus on when it comes to going to college and trying to live life at the same time. Today's meeting really made me contemplate whether going to college was actually worth it, and if I should just run away to distant land and just live life to the fullest of my abilties.

  27. Today in avid we learned about college life. Kelly and Deshawn came to talk about the admissions, roommates, and college life. Something that scared me was college life. i didn't know how serious college life was until they started to talk about it. is like you have to be on your A game all the time and if you screw up your gonna have a hard time picking yourself up. It makes me nervous about going to college. I don't want to screw up but yet i want to have clubs and have fun. its really stressful about thinking about college life plus scholarships . 20 years from now i don't want to pay fro my school and be in debt. everything is so stressful im just ready for the relaxing part.

  28. The speakers, Kelly and Deshawn were very informative about UNC and basically every college a person wants to go to. They helped me learn about certain expenses and how stressful college can really be, especially if you have a lot of classes and a job. The speakers also talked about how to apply to scholarships and when we should start looking into FAFSA. To be honest, it is really hard to choose the perfect college for yourself because you don't know how it actually is going to be until you actually go which freaks me out. The speakers did open my eyes about college. They were honest by saying that it will be stressful and that you have to know how to manage your academic life and your social life.

  29. Even though I’ve already been accepted into East Carolina University and have also already done my tuition deposit to attend there next Fall, I still enjoyed hearing Deshawn and Kelly talk about UNC Chapel Hill. For one, I have missed them a great deal since they have left our school but am so glad they are transitioning well and are enjoying themselves where they are now. I also enjoyed hearing Deshawn be honest with us about his struggles and specifically what he transitioned with. To me, it did not sound like he was sugar coating anything and for that I am thankful for. He also talked with us a bit about FAFSA and how to go about that process as well as other scholarships and grants. They both also talked about other activities they are involved in including the on campus clubs. I am thankful for their advice, especially about not “over doing” it once immediately getting on campus but choosing about three things to devote one’s self to along with school work in order to time manage well. They told us out right that it was going to be a big transition and some things would not be easy as well as giving us some advice on how to prepare for more than what “the book says” or what regular tour guides say in order to “sell their college”. Mostly I think it was just nice to see them in person rather than in pictures on social media; I’ve missed them!
